Every pet-owning family can benefit from a kitty condo. Cats, by nature, are climbers, they like to be up high near social areas of the home. They will sleep, watch, scratch, and play on the cat furniture you provide. Older cats as well as kittens love these, and seem to instinctively know that it belongs to them. This vertical space is especially useful in apartments or smaller homes, while larger houses can afford an ideal area for an addition, such as by window.
Cat trees are often expensive if you want a well made one that will withstand the wear normal cat play can cause. Wooden ones will last indefinitely, and PVC is another good choice. Cardboard cat furniture tend to litter department store shelves and I would recommending avoiding these as they will break very quickly.
Despite sleeping up to 18 hours a day, cats need daily exercise and a climbing tower is a fantastic way to encourage that. A DIY cat tree will also provide a retreat from other family pets, a feeling of safety, an outlet for scratching, and most of all a place for a cat to claim as theirs.
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